Photo du campus

All you need to know about your campus life.

Libraries and computer facilities

Each Arts et Métiers campus has its own Documentation Center and IT room with Internet access open to students. Once you have registered you will be able to obtain an e-mail address from the webmaster.

Our campuses are equipped with infrastructure (gymnasium, weight room, climbing wall,...) which allow students to take part in numerous team and individual sports.

Student and sports activities

Engineering students likewise take advantage of special and original opportunities to express themselves, shoulder responsibility and work in teams.

All the sport, cultural, scientific or humanitarian activities are organized and managed by the students through the Student Union (known as “UE”) which provides its members with a wide range of extra-curricular activities and services, including industrial contacts (career fairs), sports, charitable activities, entertainment (Galas…).

Some members of its members are dedicated to international activities, in a group called "R-Inter". They will help you integrate the School by organizing various activities with French and foreign students.

Among the activities offered:

  • Contacts with industry 
  • Sports: sailing, football, rugby, tennis, handball, golf, athletics, skiing, rally
  • Humanitarian activities
  • Events such as the Galas held by each Campus 

Dernières actualités

L’école Arts et Métiers campus de Rabat vient de s’installer au sein du campus de l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique à Rabat-Salé.


Arts et Métiers campus de Rabat a obtenu l’avis favorable de la Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs et du ministère français de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche français pour la délivrance du diplôme d'ingénieur Progr


Arts et Métiers France et son campus de Rabat ont obtenu l’autorisation de délivrer le diplôme d’ingénieur Programme grande école (PGE) au Maroc.


This dual accreditation provides graduates with exceptional academic and professional recognition, both within Morocco and on the international stage.
