Recruitment, training and innovation are at the core of the relationships between Arts et Métiers and industry. Many collaborative approaches are implemented to meet business challenges and to support the development of the institution.

Training and research make Arts et Métiers the perfect partner for many industries. "The institution is historically close to industry", according to Aurore Friedlander, Director of Marketing, Communications and Fundraising . We have always had relationships with a large number of companies, SMEs and large groups." Over the years, a comprehensive range of services has been developed to match the diversity of the needs of these companies. This offer is available in three areas: recruitment, training and innovation.

Three forms of support

Talent sourcing

Internships and apprenticeship training contracts enable companies to contribute to student training and to identify future recruits. Arts et Métiers also supports its partners in their recruitment efforts. Numerous events are organised throughout the year: forums, business lunches, conferences and projects.

Developing skills

Adapting expert knowledge is a key challenge for companies. Arts et Métiers meets this challenge by providing a range of career-centred and appropriate (level, content, duration) training courses: General Engineering or Specialist Engineering, short bespoke training courses, mastères spécialisés®, validation of acquired experience.

Innovation support

Arts et Métiers places at the disposal of companies the expertise of its 14 research laboratories, its enhancement subsidiary, AMVALOR and its many technology platforms. Relationships can take many forms: partnership research collaboration; design, expert assessment and consultancy services; technology watch; organisation of thematic events (seminars, consultations, conferences).

The increasing importance of relationships

Industrial partners can also participate in the development of Arts et Métiers through various collaborative approaches: sponsorship, which is a way of investing in projects led by the institution or the campuses while benefiting from a tax deduction of 60 % and a recognition programme; or the apprenticeship tax, which contributes to the improvement of training measures.

"Our aim today is to enhance companies to a greater extent by building structuring partnerships, over the long term, to meet all their needs", explains Aurore Friedlander.

Key figures